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Licensed for heavy-duty diesel powered vehicles up to 26,000 GW
A school pupil transport vehicle must have a GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less, they are restricted to having a passenger capacity of no more than 10 passengers, and a permanent seating capacity of no more than 11, including the driver. 7D vehicles are also frequently used to transport special needs and handicapped pupils.
In Massachusetts, all Transportation Network Company (TNC) vehicles, such as those in use as Lyft and Uber vehicles, must pass an annual Transportation Network Inspection. This inspection is required in addition to the state inspection and must be performed at a licensed location.
On all makes and models including German and other European automobiles
On all makes and models
Suspension work, front and rear on all makes and models. Computerized Hunter wheel alignment available.
We offer tune-ups and fluid maintenance service on all makes and models including German and other European automobiles
Let us keep your coolant system running in tip-top shape by checking hoses and flushing the system with fresh, clean coolant